This comic series on keenspot is in my opinion(which should become an anime series ) here's a short discription about the comic Twokinds is a webcomic created by Tom Fischbach, following the adventures of Trace Legacy and his companions, Flora, Keith and Natani. The story focuses around a love interest between Trace and Flora, with side plots ranging from Keith and Natani's relationship to the internal and external obstacles that they all face on their travels together
The world of Twokinds is made up of at least three races : Humans, Keidran, and Basitin. The latter two races are "furry", with the Keidran having at least four clans based on different animals. Basitins are not based on any particular animal. The three races have various levels of animosity toward each other; most humans and Keidran have a good deal of contempt and hatred for the other race.Other races, including normal animals and dragons, also exist
(In the discussion board they stated that they are working on a project to adopt this comic seris to make an anime)
The world of Twokinds is made up of at least three races : Humans, Keidran, and Basitin. The latter two races are "furry", with the Keidran having at least four clans based on different animals. Basitins are not based on any particular animal. The three races have various levels of animosity toward each other; most humans and Keidran have a good deal of contempt and hatred for the other race.Other races, including normal animals and dragons, also exist
(In the discussion board they stated that they are working on a project to adopt this comic seris to make an anime)